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Poetry beyond language with Felipe Cussen, Martin Bakero

Titelbild vom Podcast Possible Poetry
© Dirk Hülstrunk

Episode 2

Felipe Cussen

Felipe Cussen is a scientific researcher, author and artist. His main fields of research are experimental literature and mysticism. He holds a PhD in Humanities and teaches at the University of Santiago de Chile. His projects are often minimalistic and conceptual like “La oficina de la nada. Poéticas negativas contemporáneas,” which examines the representation of nothingness in literature and visual arts. He is also one of the founders of a research group with the same name, La oficina de la nada, which curates books exhibitions. His latest project is a beautiful and romantic poetry book about “The joy of rain” which is completely written by an artificial intelligence program.

You can view and download all his works copyright-free from his dropbox.

-La oficina de la nada. Poéticas negativas contemporáneas. Madrid: Siruela, 2022.
The joy of rain (engl.) BOA Editions, Ltd., in Santiago, Chile, 2020. The cover was illustrated by Craiyon and all text was written by OpenAI.


Martin Bakero

Martin Bakero studied electro-acoustic composition at the Paris municipal music conservatory and has a PHD in psychopathology. He works mainly sound poet and a very intense live performer. But he also integrates multiple other art forms from film to dance and performance and often collaborates with other artists. He has also done theater, cinema and radio works and lectures. Outside of this, he works as a psychoanalyst with persons suffering with severe autism and other psychological disorders. His latest publication is a Soundpoetry LP “Protoverb”on Erratum Label.




Language as a virus

international Sound- and poetry Sessions Youtube Archive

Poetry Recommendation by Felipe Cussen

PM Festival Poesia y musica

Register of names & books mentioned

-Hildegard von Bingen (Poetic visions)
-Meister Eckhart (Negative Poetics)
-Jerome Rothenberg (Technicans of the sacred)
-Annette Gilbert (The invisible book/ literatur researcher, Berlin) -Ramon Lull (medieval Catalan poet using permutations) -Sigmund Freud (Der Dichter und das Fantasieren)
-Paul Celan -Raúl Zurita (contemp. Chilean Poet)
-Vincent Huidobro (Avantgarde Poet, founder of literary movement “creacionismo” in 1916)
-Cecilia Vicuña (contemp. Chilenian poet and artist)
-Guillermo Deisler (contemp. Chilenian / German experimental poet)
-Martín Gubbins (Writers Forum Chile)
-Andrés Anwandter (Writers Forum Chile)
-Anamaría Briede (Writers Forum Chile)
-Nicanor Parra (Anti-Poetry Movement)
-Montenegrofisher (Chilenean/ British Performance Art/ Soundpoetry Duo)
-Joaquim Montesuiss (Founder of Erratum Label)
-Eduard Escoffet (soundpoet and poetry activist from Barcelona) -Bob Cobbing (Soundpoet & Founder of Writers Forum London) -William Burroughs (Language is a virus)

Über diesen Podcast / About this Podcast

In den Worten von Produzent / In the words of the producer Dirk Hülstrunk:

Poesie Zwischen Welten / Poetry between worlds

In diesem Podcast möchte ich internationale Gäste und Projekte vorstellen, die innovative neue Wege in der Poesie oder der Poesievermittlung gehen. Ich möchte Rand- und Grenzbereiche erkunden.

In this podcast I would like to introduce international guests and projects that take particularly innovative new paths in poetry or poetry mediation, I would like to explore marginal and border areas.

Gespräche auf Deutsch und Englisch. / Talks in German and English

Produziert von Dirk Hülstrunk. Autor, Übersetzer, Kulturaktivist aus Frankfurt am Main in Deutschland. / Produced by Dirk Huelstrunk, poet, translator, cultural activist from Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Für die Unterstützung dieses Projektes möchte Dirk Hülstrunk sich beim Kulturamt Frankfurt ganz herzlich bedanken.

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Possible Poetry